LOVE WHAT MATTERS: 'He was in tears, 'Baby, it's bad news.'
I AM RESILIENT: Janelle Brunton-Rennie
UNICORNS & HAND GRENADES: A story of surrender, humility and hope with Janelle Bunrton-Rennie
KIDSPOT AUSTRALIA: NZ mum struggling with postnatal depression loses husband to lymphoma
NOW TO LOVE: How exercise became Janelle Brunton-Rennie's strength and solace after losing her husband to cancer
THE HITS: Kiwi mum Janelle Brunton-Rennie shares a powerful message about her journey through grief
ECO BEAUTY EDITOR: Janelle Brunton-Rennie on Living Consciously
EVE BY BEPURE: Inspiring Mums
BEAUTY DIRECTORY: We chat to PR director Janelle Brunton-Rennie
DAILY MAIL: Widow shares the heartbreaking final moments of her husband's life
GOOD MAGAZINE: Overcoming grief and loss after losing her husband, Kurt Brunton, aged 41.
THE SUN: 'Torn in half' by husbands cancer death
STUFF: Kiwi's breast implant experience: 'My body was not happy with what I'd put into it'
WOMANS DAY NZ: 'I'm making memories for Sage'
DAILY MAIL: Why more women are having their breast implants removed
BEAUTY DIRECTORY NZ: 5 minutes with Janelle Brunton-Rennie, talking PR's success secrets.
THE NZ WOMAN: Janelle Brunton Rennie, Guest Speaker
THE SOUL FULL LOUNGE: Janelle Brunton-Rennie: Keeping Living Until You're Alive Again...
GOOD HEALTH NZ: Running for Love
GOOD MAGAZINE NZ: Media Jams new eco-conscious, wellbeing focused, cruelty free, natural, organic and ethically motivated direction
NEXT MAGAZINE: Journey back to health
NZ HERALD: Ready for his biggest fight
DOM POST, THE PRESS, WAIKATO TIMES: The true face of stress, journey back to wellness after adrenal fatigue
NADIA MAGAZINE: My Healing Journey. How I’ve learnt to truly love and honour myself